Existential Poetry From Cryptographic Applications

The wisdom one finds in key fingerprints: beeswax almighty newsletter revenge atmosphere drunken suspicious glitter blockade insurgent pheasant retrieval rematch stupendous puppy Scotland, Medusa dropper December reindeer yesteryear provincial waffle sympathy Tub jail ally till Joan them ow near toot lop caw fool volt core pin mad cry doll seal Jane cube tour slew Ruth Hurt mars end bait blew wane them edgy IRA lend block stew beeswax almighty Is this not beautiful....

June 5, 2004

Personal Hells

After the meeting that I just got out of, I found that I required a fair amount of walking around to get my head in order. An associate offered to lend an ear if I needed someone to talk to. Right now I think I just need someone to tell the following: I am a reasonably competent individual There is nothing about this issue that I cannot overcome The act of actually killing someone does nothing to educate them Getting upset over someone who does not know any better just makes me upset, and this accomplishes nothing Getting upset at someone 300 miles away for less than an act of war is useless....

October 4, 2003

On Apathy

Prelude, and a Warning I am writing this little note with the full knowledge that someone who may understand some of the specifics that I am basing my generalizations on will read it, understand it, and take this personally. Please do not take this personally. It is not something to be taken personally. This is just me ranting. This makes me feel better. There are no specifics, only generalities. Part the First I just do not know which is worse: People not knowing or people not caring....

April 8, 2003

Why Today Is Thursday

Let me start by saying that you are sitting there, looking at the date of this post, and saying to yourself something along the lines of “according to my calendar, May 17, 2008, is a Tuesday.” At this point, you must be thinking any number of questions related to my sanity. Here I am sitting at a computer typing and demanding that you listen and hear and agree with me that today must be, absolutely must be, Thursday....